Class representing a document loader specifically designed for loading documents from Gitbook. It extends the CheerioWebBaseLoader.

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caller: AsyncCaller
headers?: HeadersInit
selector?: SelectorType
shouldLoadAllPaths: boolean = false
textDecoder?: TextDecoder
timeout: number
webPath: string


  • Method that scrapes the web document using Cheerio and loads the content based on the value of shouldLoadAllPaths. If shouldLoadAllPaths is true, it calls the loadAllPaths() method to load all paths. Otherwise, it calls the loadPath() method to load a single path.

    Returns Promise<Document<Record<string, any>>[]>

    Promise resolving to an array of Document instances.

  • Parameters

    • Optionalsplitter: BaseDocumentTransformer<DocumentInterface<Record<string, any>>[], DocumentInterface<Record<string, any>>[]>

    Returns Promise<Document<Record<string, any>>[]>

    A Promise that resolves with an array of Document instances, each split according to the provided TextSplitter.

    Use this.load() and splitter.splitDocuments() individually. Loads the documents and splits them using a specified text splitter.

  • A static method that dynamically imports the Cheerio library and returns the load function. If the import fails, it throws an error.

    Returns Promise<{
        load: ((content:
            | string
            | Buffer
            | AnyNode
            | AnyNode[], options?: null | CheerioOptions, isDocument?: boolean) => CheerioAPI);

    A Promise that resolves to an object containing the load function from the Cheerio library.

  • Fetches web documents from the given array of URLs and loads them using Cheerio. It returns an array of CheerioAPI instances.


    • urls: string[]

      An array of URLs to fetch and load.

    • caller: AsyncCaller
    • timeout: undefined | number
    • OptionaltextDecoder: TextDecoder
    • Optionaloptions: CheerioOptions & {
          headers?: HeadersInit;

    Returns Promise<CheerioAPI[]>

    A Promise that resolves to an array of CheerioAPI instances.
