The name of the repo containing the prompt, as well as an optional commit hash separated by a slash.
options: { Optional
apiLangSmith API key to use when pulling the prompt
apiLangSmith API URL to use when pulling the prompt
includeWhether to also instantiate and attach a model instance to the prompt, if the prompt has associated model metadata. If set to true, invoking the resulting pulled prompt will also invoke the instantiated model. For non-OpenAI models, you must also set "modelClass" to the correct class of the model.
modelIf includeModel is true, the class of the model to instantiate. Required for non-OpenAI models. If you are running in Node or another environment that supports dynamic imports, you may instead import this function from "langchain/hub/node" and pass "includeModel: true" instead of specifying this parameter.
...args: any[]
Pull a prompt from the hub.