The Upload object can accept byte chunks in the form of Parts.

interface Upload {
    bytes: number;
    created_at: number;
    expires_at: number;
    file?: null | FileObject;
    filename: string;
    id: string;
    object: "upload";
    purpose: string;
        | "completed"
        | "cancelled"
        | "expired"
        | "pending";


bytes: number

The intended number of bytes to be uploaded.

created_at: number

The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the Upload was created.

expires_at: number

The Unix timestamp (in seconds) for when the Upload will expire.

file?: null | FileObject

The File object represents a document that has been uploaded to OpenAI.

filename: string

The name of the file to be uploaded.

id: string

The Upload unique identifier, which can be referenced in API endpoints.

object: "upload"

The object type, which is always "upload".

purpose: string

The intended purpose of the file. Please refer here for acceptable values.

    | "completed"
    | "cancelled"
    | "expired"
    | "pending"

The status of the Upload.