TavilySearchAPIRetrieverFields: {
    apiKey?: undefined | string;
    callbacks?: undefined | Callbacks;
    days?: undefined | number;
    excludeDomains?: undefined | string[];
    includeAnswer?: undefined | boolean;
    includeDomains?: undefined | string[];
    includeImageDescriptions?: undefined | boolean;
    includeImages?: undefined | boolean;
    includeRawContent?: undefined | boolean;
    kwargs?: undefined | Record<string, unknown>;
    maxResults?: undefined | number;
    metadata?: undefined | Record<string, unknown>;
    responseFormat?: undefined | string;
    searchDepth?: undefined | "basic" | "deep";
    tags?: undefined | string[];
    topic?: undefined | string;
    verbose?: undefined | boolean;
    verboseParsingErrors?: undefined | boolean;

Options for the TavilySearchResults tool.

Type declaration

  • OptionalapiKey?: undefined | string

    The API key used for authentication with the Tavily Search API.

  • Optionalcallbacks?: undefined | Callbacks
  • Optionaldays?: undefined | number

    The number of days back from the current date to include in the search results.

  • OptionalexcludeDomains?: undefined | string[]

    A list of domains to specifically exclude from the search results.

  • OptionalincludeAnswer?: undefined | boolean

    Include a short answer to the original query.

  • OptionalincludeDomains?: undefined | string[]

    A list of domains to specifically include in the search results.

  • OptionalincludeImageDescriptions?: undefined | boolean

    When includeImages is set to True, this option adds descriptive text for each image.

  • OptionalincludeImages?: undefined | boolean

    Include a list of query-related images in the response.

  • OptionalincludeRawContent?: undefined | boolean

    Include the cleaned and parsed HTML content of each search result.

  • Optionalkwargs?: undefined | Record<string, unknown>

    Additional keyword arguments to pass to the API.

  • OptionalmaxResults?: undefined | number

    The maximum number of search results to return.

  • Optionalmetadata?: undefined | Record<string, unknown>
  • OptionalresponseFormat?: undefined | string

    The tool response format.

    If "content" then the output of the tool is interpreted as the contents of a ToolMessage. If "content_and_artifact" then the output is expected to be a two-tuple corresponding to the (content, artifact) of a ToolMessage.

  • OptionalsearchDepth?: undefined | "basic" | "deep"

    The depth of the search. It can be "basic" or "deep".

  • Optionaltags?: undefined | string[]
  • Optionaltopic?: undefined | string

    The category of the search. This will determine which of our agents will be used for the search. Currently, only "general" and "news" are supported. See https://docs.tavily.com/docs/rest-api/api-reference

  • Optionalverbose?: undefined | boolean
  • OptionalverboseParsingErrors?: undefined | boolean

    Whether to show full details in the thrown parsing errors.
