A list of Response items.

interface ResponseItemList {
    data: (
        | ResponseOutputMessage
        | ResponseFileSearchToolCall
        | ResponseComputerToolCall
        | ResponseFunctionWebSearch
        | ResponseFunctionToolCall
        | OpenAIClient.Responses.InputItems.ResponseItemList.Message
        | ComputerCallOutput
        | FunctionCallOutput)[];
    first_id: string;
    has_more: boolean;
    last_id: string;
    object: "list";


data: (
    | ResponseOutputMessage
    | ResponseFileSearchToolCall
    | ResponseComputerToolCall
    | ResponseFunctionWebSearch
    | ResponseFunctionToolCall
    | OpenAIClient.Responses.InputItems.ResponseItemList.Message
    | ComputerCallOutput
    | FunctionCallOutput)[]

A list of items used to generate this response.

first_id: string

The ID of the first item in the list.

has_more: boolean

Whether there are more items available.

last_id: string

The ID of the last item in the list.

object: "list"

The type of object returned, must be list.
